So Happy 2012! it is a few weeks in and already most of my thoughts for the year are gone.
Last Year, I decided to live my life according to a word for the year. Last years word was lover. I'm not sure how I succeeded but I do see myself as more relational and less concerned about being right.
This year's Word is CREATE.
Why this word? As I have gotten older I feel the need to be more creative. I used to be so analytical but I really want to express myself and what God is doing in me through my life.
Some ideas!
I want to live the life that God has created in me not just what to do to survive. So I am going to examine my life particularly my career.
I want to express myself through music, words and visual arts. I am really interested in creating mixed media art and writing a book.
I want to create a family. I am really praying about foster parenting and adoption. I would love to make some good friends to live life with. I also really long for a husband to share this life with. Mostly, I want to let God mold me into the Dawn he is making me.
So for me 2012 is about what God does through me to Creatively to Become Dawn!