Sometimes this is the cry of my heart. A husband, a boyfriend, a child, or even just a good friend.
My next thought is that I am so ashamed for feeling that way. He loves me and yet I ignore him. He who gave his life for me. He who sets me free. Yet I pretend so often that he is not there and go my own way. I choose isolation so often.
Sometimes my cry is "oh God but I want some one with skin Someone whose touch I can feel and who I can touch."
Yet I have many beloved people in my life. Friends, family, and precious nieces and nephews. I have been blessed much.
So often I feel like a square peg in a round hole. Round wholes are married, round holes are young, round holes are mothers, round wholes have jobs they love. Yet when my house is full, I want to be alone. Oh this fickle heart of mine.
maybe this loneliness, this feeling of not fitting is just how Jesus calls to me." People don't fill your heart, only I do. You will never be satisfied this side of heaven. Your singleness is saving you for something special, even if it beyond the grave."
Why can't I wait? Better yet, why don't I wait with Him. Jesus lover of my soul--I know you are waiting for me.
grasping Him,
I identify with the fickle heart. Sometimes it seems like no matter what the situation, I can find a way to be unsatisfied. Blah.