Friday, January 25, 2013

Out with the Old


Last year my word of the year was "Create". I wanted to be more creative, maybe even attempt some mixed media artwork. That did not happen. I currently have a two-toned house maybe that counts as mixed media. (Half done paint job, long story)
More importantly, I wanted to create the life that God had for me, or should I say be open to the life he was calling me too.

So what was 2012 like for me?

My bible study which we call a Quad really grew in number and in many cases in depth. About half way through the year I began teaching the study. God created a ministry for me that I was not seeking.

Later, this same group began studying the book of James in the Bible. If I am honest, I was actually quite afraid of this book. I learned so much about treating others and really rested in the grace of what it means to be a Christian. yes there is tons of grace in James.

I started 2012, not sure if I should stay at the church that I had landed in after the turmoil of leaving a church that I had gone too for 17 years. I really saw God making me feel at home in this body of Christ this past year. My House Church helped me with some problems I was having in my house which didn't always work out. It made me realize these people care about me, and I care about them. I started volunteering in the nursery, which is really rather fun, minus the dirty diapers. I started helping work with women as they go through the Gospel Class, which is basically Christianity 101. I met lots of great people and really saw that God had a purpose in them being in my life. I am even seeing that more in 2013.

Relationships (yes, I am talking men here). I ran into a guy I knew from church a few years ago one night shopping (before you think this goes anywhere, I am old enough to be his mother). He challenged me to consider if my heart was open to dating. This made me realize that maybe I need to be more open to the idea of dating and to stop saying things like "men don't like me" (making sure people know that I like men), and "I am too old for everyone I know". So I would like to say that I met the man of my dreams and ran off and got married the next day, but that didn't happen. If you really know me, you would know it would take me probably a year to really trust someone to even think about marriage. Well I digress, I am feeling a lot less content in my singleness, but maybe it is good because while I am content with my life, I want there to be room for others in it also.

Work: After applying for everything under the sun and letting my teaching license expire, I suddenly got a new job. Most of the year I was dreadfully unhappy. I had to stop working my part-time job because my full-time job which I began to dislike more and more became suddenly inflexible. So somehow in the fall, someone I know recommended that I apply for a job, and now I have it. I am still at the hospital, but I am doing something completely different, clinical research. It is lots of reading, learning, and figuring things out for right now, but I love all those things. Plus, I actually needed my college degree for it which for the most part I had never used. What a Blessing!!

So if you made it this far, you will see that I did not review a single book... I promise to write a goal for 2013 soon. I'm thinking about Freedom!!